C sharp |
C# is a software design and programming language which enables object oriented concepts. It is invented around 1999 or 2000 by Anders Hejlsberg at Microsoft.
C# is designed to work with Microsoft's .Net platform.
It is very similar to java. But C# does not support multiple inheritance. It provides interfaces. Interfaces implemented by a class specify certain functions that the class is guaranteed to implement.
Interfaces avoid the multiple inheritance while maintaining the ability to let several classes implement the same set of methods.
Microsoft .NET Framework 4 |
Another useful feature of C# is garbage collection. Therefore, it is unnecessary to add a destructor for each class unless a class handles unmanaged resources. If so, it's necessary to release control those resources from within the class.
C# also provides direct access to memory through C++ style pointers, but these pointers are not garbage collected until specifically released by the programmer.
In C#, .NET framework, programmer’s code is compiled in to MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate Language) which is similar to the java bitecode.
MSIL allows C# to be platform independent and runs using just in time compiling.
The MSIL is what allows C# to be platform independent like bytecode.
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